Filmpjes van Reddingsbrigade / KNRM / SAR

Auteur Topic: Filmpjes van Reddingsbrigade / KNRM / SAR  (gelezen 421379 keer)

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Reactie #771 Gepost op: 4 oktober 2014, 08:41:12
Escape Chute Testing 200509

With all the hooplah surrounding freefall lifeboats this week, I thought this video showing the test of a Viking escape chute system at a shipyard in South Korea would make for a good throwback Thursday video.

While perhaps not as quick, efficient, or even as graceful as a freefall lifeboat, taking the chute could save you some trips to the chiropractor later and virtually eliminates any chance of THIS happening. Just be sure the guy in front of you doesn’t get stuck.

This test was performed at the DSME shipyard in Okpo, South Korea aboard the 2009-delivered SSV Victoria high spec semi-submersible drilling rig.

Lifeboat Fail

Drop Livbåt Oseberg Sør

We recently saw the wrong way to conduct a lifeboat drop test, now here’s a look at the correct way.

The freefall test was performed using a Harding freefall lifeboat at Statoil’s Oseberg Sør offshore oil platform in the North Sea, with Atlantic Offshore’s MV Ocean Response on standby.

The Oseberg Sør platform is located in Block 30/9 of the Oseberg Sør field west of Bergen, Norway. Production at the platform began in February 2000.

It seems that this test went pretty well, especially when compared to THIS, but then again it wouldn’t be called a test if there was no chance of something going wrong.


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Reactie #772 Gepost op: 9 oktober 2014, 17:26:04



Watch: Greek Island Ferry Loading Cars Looks Super Sketchy

stormy day in greek island - loading passenger ship

By now you should all know how sketchy Greek ferry landings can be and this video just serves as the latest example of that.

The clip shows a passenger-car ferry loading cars at the Greek Island of Alonnisos in particularly bad weather. From an outsiders perspective, you would think that this is just complete and utter chaos, but yet somehow they pull it off. Just ask any Greek sailor and they will tell you that these ferry Captain’s are some of the best shiphandlers in the world, even if at times it may look bad. And to everyone’s credit, we rarely hear about incidents of these mooring procedures going wrong.

So if you ever find yourself needing to board or disembark one these ferries in conditions like this… move quickly and hope for the best is just about the only advice there is to offer.


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Reactie #774 Gepost op: 11 oktober 2014, 20:29:24
Photos and Video: Danish Special Forces Storm Maersk Triple-E in Anti-Piracy Raid… Training


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Reactie #775 Gepost op: 21 oktober 2014, 21:35:13
Zoekactie naar mogelijk vermiste surfer bij Schellinkhout (NH)

Dylan M

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Reactie #777 Gepost op: 29 december 2014, 00:32:15
N.a.v. nominatie voor de Overijsselse Vrijwilligersprijs:


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Reactie #779 Gepost op: 4 januari 2015, 02:38:59
Samen sterk in de hulpverlening!