Opschalingen in het buitenland

Auteur Topic: Opschalingen in het buitenland  (gelezen 3197 keer)

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Gepost op: 17 juli 2012, 11:43:22
In Nederland kennen we Middelbrand/ (Zeer) Grote brand, Grip 1,2,3,4, maar werken er ook veel landen met opschalingen en wat is de benaming hiervan?
Ik ken alleen het FDNY systeem, namelijk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple-alarm_fire


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  • Fotograaf MaartenSipma.nl / HVZwolle.nl
    • MaartenSipma.nl
Reactie #1 Gepost op: 17 juli 2012, 12:20:53
In Duitsland rijden ze meestal al naar een melding met:

3x TS
1x HW
1x OVD


1x Ambu

Politie weet ik niet.
Volg mij ook via twitter: @MaartenSipma


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  • Fotograaf MaartenSipma.nl / HVZwolle.nl
    • MaartenSipma.nl
Reactie #2 Gepost op: 17 juli 2012, 12:22:02
Dit was in Nederland Grote Brand geweest met de inzet van de voertuigen.

Bekijk dit artikel maar eens. http://maartensipma.nl/zeer-grote-brand-legt-school-in-de-as-detmold/


3x TS, 1x HW, 1x Ambu, 1x OVD, 1x Pol, 1x WTS1000?, 1x busje met bemanning. Ik weet de duitse namen niet.
Volg mij ook via twitter: @MaartenSipma


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Reactie #3 Gepost op: 17 juli 2012, 12:23:41
In London, misschien ook de rest van de UK, schalen ze op naar het aantal pumps die ze ter plaatse willen hebben. 'Make pumps 5 please'.


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Reactie #4 Gepost op: 17 juli 2012, 12:27:36
Duitsland werkt met B1, B2, B3, B4 alarmen enz.

Hoe groter/gevaarlijker het pand een des te hogere classificatie krijgt.

Wel wordt er bij een brand in een bepaalde plaats al gauw met het hele korps (in colonne) uitgerukt.


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Reactie #5 Gepost op: 19 juli 2012, 23:52:18
In Duitsland werken de beroepskorpsen met zgn blustreinen, Löschzüge. Deze oude samenstellingwas een ELW-1 (OVD) een TLF 16, (TS) een LF 16, (AS), en een redvoertuig (AL of HW) Korpsen die ook de ambulance dienst leverden stuurden dan ook een RTW (ambulance) mee. Omdat men deze ook nog van één post stuurde zie dan ook een hele kolonne voertuigen uitrukken. Opschaling was heel simpel, kon de blustrein het niet aan kreeg je een tweede blustrein. Maar opschaling kan ook met bijzondere voertuigen, groot vermogen /schuim/poeder blusvoertuigen, afzetcontainers, ademlucht, hulpverleningsvoertuigen. Zo kende men Blustreinen, Chemietreinen, en hulpverleningstreinen, maar dan niet op de rails ;D
In de jaren 80 zijn deze standaard treinen onderhevig geweest aan expirimenten. Men ging de twee blusvoertuigen samenvoegen tot één vier assig blusvoertuig die alles moest kunnen. Ook ging men de personele bezetting terugschroeven, en kregen de blusvoertuigen ook technische hulpverleningsgereedschap, waarna het HTLF's genoemd werden(Hilfe LeistungsTankLöschfahrzeuge. Het getal daar achter geeft dan de pomp capaciteit aan. (HTLF 20, = 2000 lp/m.)
De laatste jaren hebben de meeste korpsen de samenstelling van hun blustreinen aangepast aan hun eigen verzorgingsgebied, budget, repressieve inzichten, en technische ontwikkelingen.
Zal eens wat voorbeelden opzoeken.
Als de temperatuur van het water dat via het zolderraam naar binnen wordt gespoten gelijk is aan de temperatuur van het water dat via de voordeur naar


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Reactie #6 Gepost op: 21 juli 2012, 14:14:49
Voor voorbeelden van een Löschzug en de samenstelling, deze zoekterm: Löschzug berufsfeuerwehr in toetsen bij Youtube, vele voorbeelden in diverse samenstellingen.
Als de temperatuur van het water dat via het zolderraam naar binnen wordt gespoten gelijk is aan de temperatuur van het water dat via de voordeur naar


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Reactie #7 Gepost op: 22 juli 2012, 13:39:18
In Nederland kennen we Middelbrand/ (Zeer) Grote brand, Grip 1,2,3,4, maar werken er ook veel landen met opschalingen en wat is de benaming hiervan?
Ik ken alleen het FDNY systeem, namelijk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple-alarm_fire

Komen er bij een second alarm dan 5 engine companies bij, of is dat het totaal aantal? Dus 3 van het first alarm en 2 van het second alarm? Enz.
Volg mij ook op twitter: @hoguhugo


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Reactie #8 Gepost op: 22 juli 2012, 14:27:56
Yep, 5 engines erbij.
Maar volgens mij klopt de Wikipedia niet helemaal, kijk naar deze (unofficial) FDNY informatie bron:
From time to time, I receive queries asking for the FDNY response to certain alarm types. It is difficult to put into a simple web page what takes us 4 weeks of classroom training to memorize. Therefore, what follows below is a basic description of typical alarms.
Before I proceed I must define the term "transmit the box" as it is used by us. This term is a holdover from when we transmitted signals by telegraph. When the central office received an alarm, we would transmit that box by telegraph to the firehouses in the area. The units receiving that transmission would look at the alarm assignment card (also called run cards) to see who is to respond. Only the first two due engines, first two due ladders, and first due battalion chief respond to this signal. If any of those units are not available at the time of the transmission, that number of units reduces the alarm response, except for battalion chiefs. One chief must respond to all box transmissions.
For example, the first two due engines and ladders to Brooklyn box 4106 are E309, E323, L159, and L157. If all of these units are available, the response is 2 + 2. If, however, L159 is on another run, the response is now 2 + 1. If none of the first two due units is available, the minimum response is 2 + 1 from as far down the alarm assignment card as we have to go to find an available unit.

The entire dispatch policy fills several volumes of 3-ring binders in the office. To fully describe them here would consume too much space on my server so here it is in a nutshell:

1 Engine
•brush fires
•outside rubbish fires
•downed wires
•residential refrigerant leaks
•CFR runs
•medical alert central station alarms
•other non-structural outside fires
1 Ladder
•water leaks
•downed trees/limbs blocking the street
•loose or hanging cornice
•stuck occupied elevators
•lock ins/outs
•other incidents where ladders or tools may be needed
1 Engine + 1 Ladder
•car fires
•struck pedestrian
•vehicle collisions
•elevated railroad ties (el ties)
•automatic alarms (CO, smoke, fire) in a private residence
•gasoline leaks on the street
•any other incident occurring on a street
•any incident where both units may be needed (i.e., stuck elevator with a injured passenger)
Box Transmission
•report of a structural fire
•mechanical street box activation
•natural gas leaks

Response to certain 10 codes and signals

•4 engines
•3 ladders
•2 battalion chiefs
•1 rescue if available
•1 squad if available
Signal 7-5 (using all hands)
•4 engines
•3 ladders
•2 battalion chiefs
•1 rescue
•1 squad
•1 deputy chief
•1 RAC unit
Second alarm (signal 2-2)
•8 engines
•5 ladders
•4 battalion chiefs
•1 rescue
•1 squad
•1 deputy chief
•1 RAC unit
•1 satellite
•safety battalion
•SOC battalion
•1 tactical support unit
•field comm
Third alarm (signal 3-3)
•12 engines
•7 ladders
•5 battalion chiefs
•1 rescue
•1 squad
•1 deputy chief
•1 RAC unit
•1 satellite
•safety battalion
•SOC battalion
•1 tactical support unit
•field comm
•mask service unit
Fourth alarm (signal 4-4)
•16 engines
•9 ladders
•5 battalion chiefs
•1 rescue
•1 squad
•1 deputy chief
•1 RAC unit
•1 satellite
•safety battalion
•SOC battalion
•1 tactical support unit
•field comm
Fifth alarm (signal 5-5)
•20 engines
•11 ladders
•5 battalion chiefs
•1 rescue
•1 squad
•1 deputy chief
•1 RAC unit
•1 satellite
•safety battalion
•SOC battalion
•1 tactical support unit
•field comm
All subsequent alarms, add:
•4 engines
•2 ladders
Signal 10-60 •8 engines•4 ladders
•6 battalion chiefs
•2 deputy chiefs
•2 squads (one must be Squad 1 w/TRV)
•tactical support unit
•rescue battalion
•Haz-Mat battalion
•safety battalion
•FAST unit
•2 collapse task forces
•2 SOC support ladders
•SOC logistic support van
•SOC compressor truck
•1 satellite
•1 RAC unit
•mobile command center
•air recon chief
•1 EMS division chief
•2 EMS division captains
•1 Haz-Tac officer
•4 BLS ambulances
•1 logistic support unit
•1 EMS deputy chief
•3 EMS conditions officer
•2 ALS ambulances
•1 OMA response physician
Als de temperatuur van het water dat via het zolderraam naar binnen wordt gespoten gelijk is aan de temperatuur van het water dat via de voordeur naar


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Reactie #9 Gepost op: 22 juli 2012, 14:32:08
En voor dat de vraag komt wat betekent 10-75, 10-60 etc, hier is de lijst:

•10-01 Call your quarters by telephone
•10-02 Return to quarters
•10-03 Call the dispatcher by telephone
•10-04 Acknowledgment
•10-05 Repeat
•10-06 Stand by
•10-07 Verify address
•10-08 Available on the air
◦CODE 1: Used by battalion chiefs when leaving a firehouse to which their fire tickets were redirected
◦CODE 2: Used by any unit when they are in service by radio, but not in their first alarm response area
•10-09 Off the air
•10-10 Current location
•10-11 Give a radio test count
•10-12 First arriving unit give preliminary
•10-14 Roster staffed engine
•10-18 Return all units except 1 engine AND 1 ladder
•10-19 Return all units except 1 engine OR 1 ladder
•10-20 Proceed to box location at reduced speed
•10-21 Brush fire
•10-22 Outside rubbish
•10-23 Abandoned derelict vehicle fire
•10-24 Auto fire
•10-25 Manhole or transformer vault fire
◦CODE 1 - Fire extended into building
◦CODE 2 - Cover blown
◦CODE 3 - Smoke issuing under pressure
◦CODE 4 - Transformer fire (manhole or pole mounted)
•10-26 Food on stove
•10-27 Compactor or incinerator fire
•10-28 Subway or railroad fire, emergency or smoke condition
◦CODE 1 - Structural fire
◦CODE 2 - Non-structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks, etc.)
◦CODE 3 - Non-medical emergency
•10-31 Assist civilian - non-medical
•10-32 Defective oil burner
•10-33 Odor of smoke
◦CODE 1 - Caused by nearby working fire, BBQ's, salamanders, Etc.
◦CODE 2 - Any other type odor
•10-34 Sprinkler system emergency
◦CODE 1 - Defective equipment
◦CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm
◦CODE 3 - Non fire activated
•10-35 Unwarranted or unnecessary alarm system activation
◦NO CODE - Unwarranted alarm. Alarm system activation caused by the defective condition of alarm device, equipment or system.
◦CODE 1 - Unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing.
◦CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities
◦CODE 3 - Unnecessary alarm caused by ordinary household activities
◦CODE 4 - Unnecessary alarm caused by other known causes (e.g., smoking in unauthorized areas.)
•10-36 Automobile accident or emergency
◦CODE 1 - Washdown
◦CODE 2 - Accident - no injuries or washdown
◦CODE 3 - Accident with injuries
◦CODE 4 - Accident requiring extrication
◦NO CODE - All others
•10-37 Medical assignment not associated with fire operations
◦CODE 1 - Victim deceased (non-fire related)
◦CODE 2 - Victim not breathing - requires resuscitation
◦CODE 3 - Victim is breathing with illness or injury
◦CODE 4 - Medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact, and EMS is on scene.
•10-38 Carbon monoxide response
◦CODE 1 - Detector activation (defective, low-battery, unwarranted)
◦CODE 2 - Detector activation - CO incident - Readings 1-9 PPM
◦CODE 3 - Detector activation - CO emergency - Readings > 9 PPM
◦CODE 4 - No detector activation during incident or emergency (No detector present or did not activate)
•10-39 FD units standing by at interagency incident, e.g., standing by at a suspicious package
•10-40 Utility emergency
◦CODE 1 - Gas
◦CODE 2 - Electric
◦CODE 3 - Water condition
◦CODE 4 - Steam leak
•10-41 Suspicious fire
◦CODE 1 - Occupied building or vehicle
◦CODE 2 - Unoccupied building
◦CODE 3 - Unoccupied vehicle
◦CODE 4 - Vacant building
•10-44 Request for public ambulance
•10-45 Fire related injury
◦CODE 1 - Black tag
◦CODE 2 - Red tag
◦CODE 3 - Yellow tag
◦CODE 4 - Green tag
•10-47 Request police
•10-48 Request police forthwith for harassment
•10-51 Cancellation of outside activities
•10-60 Major emergency (Bldg collapse, train wreck, Etc.) 8 Engines, 5 Ladders (one being the FAST Unit), 6 Battalion Chiefs (3rd due chief is Safety Officer; 6th due chief is Resource Unit Leader), 2 Deputy Chiefs, 2 Rescue Companies, 2 Collapse Units, 2 SOC Support Trucks, SOC logistics van, Squad 1 with is Technical Response Vehicle, 1 additional Squad, Rescue Battalion, Haz-Mat Battalion, Safety Battalion, Field Communications Unit, Satellite Unit with its associated Engine, RAC Unit, and a Mobile Command Center). Also, a Battalion responds and meets NYPD Aviation to provide Air Recon.
•10-66 Missing, lost, trapped, or seriously injured member requiring extrication (Increases response by transmission of the next higher alarm, 1 additional deputy chief, 2 battalion chiefs, the collapse unit from the borough of incident, a collapse rescue task force, an additional squad, a SOC Support ladder, a FAST unit, a CFR-D engine, SOC Logistics support van, SOC Compressor truck, SOC Dewatering unit, Public Information officer, EMS division captain, EMS Haz-Tac officer, a BLS ambulance, an ALS ambulance, an EMS Rescue Paramedic ambulance, OMA response physician and a medical officer.) If the cause of the 10-66 is due to a collapse, a signal 10-60 also must be transmitted.
•10-70 Water supply required - A notification that the first arriving engine has no positive water source.
•10-75 Request 4 engines, 2 ladders, 2 BC's, a Rescue and Squad, and a FAST truck
•10-76 High-rise building fire (Response of 5 engines, 5 ladders, 4 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy, 1 rescue, Mask Service Unit, Hi-Rise Unit, Field Comm Unit, a Squad, a Tactical Support unit, a RAC unit, the Special Operations battalion chief, the Safety Operating battalion chief, a safety officer, and a lobby control unit.)
•10-77 High-rise multiple dwelling fire (Response of 5 engines, 5 ladders, 3 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy, 1 rescue, 1 squad, the Special Operations battalion chief, a safety officer, Field Comm unit, and the Safety Operating battalion chief.)
•10-80 Haz-Mat incident. Incident can be controlled by units already on scene. Haz Mat and the Haz Mat battalion may be special called.
◦CODE 1 - An incident that requires additional resources not carried by regular field units to mitigate a spill or release that requires specialized training, knowledge, equipment or PPE. Transmission of a 10-80 code 1 does not involve contamination of civilians or responders. Box will be filled out to 4 engines, 2 ladders, 2 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy chief, FAST unit, Haz Mat battalion, Haz Mat unit, Haz Mat tech unit, 1 rescue, Haz Tac ambulance, Haz Tac conditions chief, 1 BLS ambulance, Conditions officer.
◦CODE 2 - An incident that involves a spill or release with 4 or less contaminated civilans or responders and requires Haz Mat resources for possible rescue, mitigation and decontamination. Units assigned on a 10-80 code 2 include the assignment of a 10-80 code 1 plus: Safety battalion, Rescue battalion, 3 additional battalion chiefs, Field Comm, 1 additional Haz Mat tech unit, Decon Support unit, Tac unit, Chemical Protective Clothing unit (CPC unit), 1 additional Haz Tac ambulance, BLS ambulance, ALS ambulance, RAC unit, PIO officer, Medical Director.
◦CODE 3 - And incident where 5 or more or responders are contaminated and additional Department resources are needed above the code 2 level. Units assigned on a 10-80 code 3 include the assignment of a 10-80 code 2 plus: Command Chief, 1 additional Deputy chief, 3 additional Haz Tac ambulances, Decon Shower unit, 1 additional Haz Tech unit, 3 additional CPC units, 1 additional RAC unit, Mask Service unit, EMS Deputy chief, BLS ambulances, ALS ambulances.
◦CODE 4 - A mass decontamination response to decontaminate a large number of victims as quickly as possible. A 10-80 code 4 will result in the dispatch of a 10-80 code 3 plus the Mass Decon Task Force. The MDTF is 1 battalion chief, 2 engines, 1 CPC tower ladder, 1 Haz Tac ambulance, 2 Soc Support ladders or HHTUs to monitor victims to determine the need for additional Techincal Decon. For every 250 victims, an additional MDTF will be called.
•10-84 Announce arrival at box
•10-86 Fluoroprotein Foam Operation
•10-91 Medical Emergency EMS - Fire Unit Not Required - To be transmitted through borough dispatcher by the responding unit when the fire Unit is canceled enroute due to EMS on scene, or EMS downgrades the job to a segment that does not require a Fire Unit response. Note: This signal shall be used only for medical emergency incidents.
•10-92 Malicious false alarm
•10-99 Units will operate over 30 minutes
Als de temperatuur van het water dat via het zolderraam naar binnen wordt gespoten gelijk is aan de temperatuur van het water dat via de voordeur naar