3 doden en 170+ gewonden bij bomexplosies tijdens marathon - Boston (V.S.) 15-04-2013

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Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center lists Dzhokhar Tsarvaev's condition as fair this morning. Releasing info at request of hospital.

(Via woordvoerder FBI)

Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Expected outcome is excellent.
Fair – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is responding to treatment. Expected outcome is favorable.
Serious – Vital signs are stable at present. Patient is acutely ill. Expected outcome is unpredictable.
Critical – Vital signs are unstable. Expected outcome is unpredictable.


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Bright sunlight filtered through the awnings of the medical tent pitched in Copley Square, where I joined the many medical professionals caring for people who'd fallen ill from their 26.2-mile run. Some volunteers had been staffing the medical tent for years — one nurse had worked at the Boston Marathon more than 25 times.

The New England Journal of Medicine: 10.1056/NEJMp1305299 http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1305299


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Mayor Bloomberg says Tsarnaev brothers planned to detonate remaining explosives in Times Square.

On Friday, authorities transferred surviving suspect Dzhokhar from the hospital to a federal detention centre outside of Boston.



  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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A bad day for Boston
Na drie dagen was een vermoedelijke dader gearresteerd, een tweede
gedood in een shoot-out met de politie na een massale klopjacht waarbij
delen van de miljoenenstad Boston waren afgezet. Beelden van tot de tanden
toe bewapende arrestatieteams en ferme woorden van nationale politici en
vertegenwoordigers van diverse contraterrorisme-organisaties staat een ieder
bij die de nasleep van de aanslag gevolgd heeft. Wat ging daar aan vooraf,
welke verschrikkelijke terroristische daad gaf hiertoe aanleiding? Volgens
sommige media “the worst terrorist attack since 9/11”. Maar was Boston
daadwerkelijk geconfronteerd met iets dat een vergelijking met de aanslagen
in 2001 kan doorstaan? Verre van dat. Hoe erg de aanslag ook was – elk
slachtoffer is er een te veel –, met drie dodelijke slachtoffers veroorzaakt door
snelkookpanbommen gaat het om een relatief kleine aanslag (en bovendien
minder dodelijk dan bijvoorbeeld de Fort Hood shooting van een paar jaar
geleden). Het door de media en sommige politici en beleidsmakers refereren
aan 9/11 is in dit licht ongepast en onverstandig. lees verder

bron: Magazine Nationale Veiligheid en Crisisbeheersing juni 2013


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Video footage from the immediate aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, 2013, captured wrenching images of first responders rushing to the aid of victims scattered across Boylston Street. Yet despite the apparent chaos, order and structure quickly took shape. As in many cities, hospitals and emergency responders in Boston have made planning, training and rehearsing for disasters a high priority in the years since September 11.



  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Profile of Boston Medical Center’s Chief of Trauma Services Dr. Peter Burke and BMC’s Roles During the Boston Marathon Bombing
Peter Burke had just finished the morning session of a medical conference at the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas when the news flashed on a lobby TV: two bombs had exploded near the Boston Marathon finish line, turning an annual celebration into a war zone.

Minutes later he received an emergency text message from Boston Medical Center (BMC), where he is chief trauma surgeon. The unit was inundated with the grievously injured from an attack that killed 3, among them BU graduate student Lu Lingzi (GRS’13), and wounded at least 260. Many of those rushed to BMC were battling for life, with mangled legs, collapsed lungs, and profound blood loss. Burke called his chief nurse to find out if there was any way he could help from a distance of nearly 3,000 miles. The answer was no.
Read this article in its entirety → HERE


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Belangrijkste les die dokters geleerd hebben van de bomaanslag in Boston is het belang van de tourniquet.

Lees en kijk (video) het artikel op NECN

Boston doctors reveal lessons learned in marathon attack
Eighteen minutes after the first bomb ripped through the crowd on Boylston Street, wounded and terrified patients arrived at Boston Medical Center.
"So much, so many casualties all at once," Boston Medical Center's Dr. Alik Farber recalled.
BMC took in 28 patients, ranging from a 5-year-old child to a 70-year-old man. People were bleeding, moaning with shrapnel the size of iPhones splitting their legs.
But perhaps the biggest lesson learned, several doctors say, was the value of tourniquet use at the scene, something Blansfield -- an Army veteran -- had been heralding for years. ...
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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Een uitgebreide medische casus van één van de slachtoffers

Case 11-2014 — A Man with Traumatic Injuries after a Bomb Explosion at the Boston Marathon
Dr. John T. Nagurney (Emergency Medicine): A 34-year-old man was brought to the emergency department at this hospital because of multiple traumatic injuries that he sustained when a bomb exploded while he was watching the 2013 Boston Marathon.

At the scene, the patient reportedly lost consciousness, had a complete amputation of his right leg directly below the knee, and had copious blood loss. A tourniquet had been applied to the right upper leg. He was placed on a backboard, immobilized, and transported to this hospital by ambulance, arriving at 3:20 p.m., 31 minutes after the explosion. He was brought immediately into a trauma bay in the emergency department. No additional history was known. lees verder


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Proces tegen verdachte aanslag Boston niet verplaatst
Het proces tegen de man die wordt verdacht van het plegen van de aanslagen op de marathon van Boston in 2013 wordt niet verplaatst. Tsarnajev kan de doodstraf krijgen.

Lees verder op: http://www.nu.nl/buitenland/4001465/proces-verdachte-aanslag-boston-niet-verplaatst.html

Tsarnajev wil dat hij in een andere staat (zoals New York of Washington) berecht wordt in plaats van in Massachusetts omdat hij denkt dat hij een oneerlijk proces krijgt. Of zou het eraan kunnen liggen dat hij in New York of Washington niet op de doodstraf hoeft te rekenen?