
Wit: Geneeskundige hulpverlening => Medisch nieuws => Topic gestart door: oma op 22 januari 2016, 17:16:10

Titel: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 22 januari 2016, 17:16:10
he list of countries pregnant women are being urged to avoid because of concerns about the mosquito-borne Zika virus has gotten longer. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 22 januari 2016, 17:25:23
An obscure virus called Zika — never before known to cause serious illness and with no medication to treat it and no vaccine to prevent it — has sparked fears and disrupted lives the world over. Concerns about the virus appear likely to affect travel plans for Latin American and Caribbean immigrants living in Massachusetts and for pregnant women across the United States planning winter getaways. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 23 januari 2016, 14:42:39
Citaat van:
Het zikavirus kan zikakoorts veroorzaken. Het virus wordt verspreid door zogenaamde Aedes-muggen. De ziekte verloopt meestal vrij mild. Er is geen behandeling mogelijk. De symptomen gaan vanzelf over. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat een infectie tijdens de zwangerschap schadelijk kan zijn voor het ongeboren kind.

Besmetting en preventie
Het zikavirus wordt overgebracht door bepaalde steekmuggen (muggen uit de Aedes-familie) die in de tropen veel in en rondom huis voorkomen. Deze muggen voeden zich voornamelijk met menselijk bloed (o.a. Aedes aegypti) en steken zowel overdag als in de late namiddag en begin van de avond.
Het is belangrijk om overdag en in de vroege avond tot aan de schemering zorgvuldig antimuggenmaatregelen te nemen in gebieden waar het zikavirus voorkomt.

Dragen van bedekkende kleding
Smeer onbedekte huid in met een muggenwereldmiddel dat DEET (diethyltoluamide) bevat. Voorzichtigheidshalve wordt geadviseerd om concentraties boven de 30% te mijden bij kinderen jonger dan 2 jaar en bij zwangeren. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat een zikavirusinfectie tijdens de zwangerschap, mogelijk een verhoogde kans geeft op afwijkingen bij het ongeboren kind. Veiligheidshalve wordt zwangere vrouwen die in deze gebieden verblijven geadviseerd extra zorgvuldig anti-muggenmaatregelen. Zie Zikavirus en zwangerschap
Slaap altijd onder een (geïmpregneerde) klamboe of in een muggenvrije ruimte

Reizigers met een immuunstoornis of een chronische ziekte worden evenals zwangeren geadviseerd voor vertrek advies bij een behandelend arts of reizigerskliniek te vragen.
Als binnen twee weken na terugkeer klachten optreden die passen bij een infectie door dengue- (knokkelkorts), chikungunya- of zikavirus, neem dan contact op met (huis)arts of behandelend specialist.

Er zijn geen vaccins om infectie te voorkomen en er zijn geen medicijnen die het zikavirus doden. De behandeling bestaat uit het bestrijden van symptomen.

Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 23 januari 2016, 14:44:18
Citaat van:
Verband zika en slopende zenuwkwaal vermoed

Het zika-virus wordt overgedragen door muggen die voorkomen in tropisch en subtropisch gebied. beeld EPA
Het zikavirus, dat erg gevaarlijk lijkt te zijn voor ongeboren baby’s, brengt mogelijk nog meer onheil. In Latijns-Amerika wordt onderzocht of er een verband bestaat tussen het zikavirus en de slopende zenuw- en spieraandoening die het syndroom van Guillain-Barré heet. De Colombiaanse krant El Tiempo schreef dat Guillain-Barré zich mogelijk voordoet als een complicatie van het door muggen overgebrachte zikavirus
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 23 januari 2016, 14:49:54
Citaat van:
Tien Nederlanders besmet met zika-virus
Tien Nederlanders zijn besmet geraakt met het zika-virus. Het virus heerst sinds half december in Zuid- en Midden-Amerika.
Alle tien personen liepen het virus op in Suriname. Onder hen zijn geen zwangere vrouwen. Hoe het met de patiënten is, is niet bekend. Over het algemeen veroorzaakt het virus enkele dagen griepachtige symptomen.
De patiënten kunnen niemand besmetten.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 23 januari 2016, 14:51:36
WHO info over zika virus (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 23 januari 2016, 14:55:00
Overzicht van de landen die maatregelen hebben genomen. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 23 januari 2016, 15:35:20
Klinisch: (

Leken: (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: Live op 25 januari 2016, 16:55:00 (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 25 januari 2016, 20:09:38
World Health Organization foresees outbreak of mosquito-borne virus throughout the Americas, prompting travel warnings. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 26 januari 2016, 09:25:26
Citaat van:
Focus op zika-virus
Deskundigen van de afdelingen Virologie, Neurologie en Intensive Care van het Erasmus MC zijn nauw betrokken bij internationale onderzoeken naar het zika-virus.

Het virus veroorzaakt onder andere koorts. Het wordt overgebracht door de beet van een muskiet die besmet is met de ziekte aedes. Zika komt voor in tropische gebieden, inclusief Suriname. Er bestaat nog geen vaccin tegen.

Symptomen ontstaan meestal drie tot twaalf dagen na de beet. Mensen die geïnfecteerd raken, krijgen niet altijd de bijbehorende ziekteverschijnselen. Zo'n een op de vier krijgt klachten, waaronder koorts, niet-etterige ontsteking van het oog (oogbindvlies) en hoofdpijn. Bij zwangerschap kan zika het ongeboren kind schaden.

Het zika-virus wordt alleen door muggen overgedragen. Het is niet van mens op mens overdraagbaar. Als een aedes-mug een geïnfecteerd persoon steekt, raakt de mug met het virus besmet en kan deze mug het vervolgens overdragen naar andere mensen.

Erasmus MC
Waaruit bestaat de zika-expertise van het Erasmus MC?

Het virus zelf
Onderzoek van het virus zelf, om goed onderscheid te kunnen maken wie wel en wie niet de infectie heeft en of het zika-virus wellicht veranderd is, waardoor de nieuwe klachten verklaard kunnen worden.

Het Erasmus MC is met partners in Suriname, Barbados en Curaçao onderzoek gestart naar de effecten van zika op het zenuwstelsel. Naast afwijkingen van baby's die in de baarmoeder zijn geïnfecteerd, komen ook neurologische klachten voor bij geïnfecteerden.

Guillain Barré
Het Erasmus MC biedt expertise op het gebied van het Guillain Barré-syndroom. Dat is een van de complicaties die meer gezien wordt bij deze uitbraak.

Hulp bieden
Als referentiecentrum van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) is het Erasmus MC betrokken bij internationale netwerken die hulp bieden bij zika-onderzoek in de getroffen gebieden. Hierbij gaat het om het ontwikkelen van onderzoeksprotocollen, hulp bij het testen en advies over behandeling.

Bij complexe zorg van zika-patiënten met ernstige complicaties geeft het Erasmus MC ondersteuning, door het aanbieden van beademingsapparatuur en expertise betreffende het Guillain Barré-syndroom.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 26 januari 2016, 13:42:55
26 januari 2016

Europees Nederland


Moleculaire diagnostiek voor zikavirus is beschikbaar in verschillende laboratoria, te weten het RIVM, Sanquin virusdiagnostiek en ErasmusMC afdeling ViroScience. Vanuit het RIVM/Centrum Infectieziektebestrijding is een conceptrichtlijn opgesteld voor medische professionals. Deze bevat informatie over de ziekte, de diagnostiek, de besmetting, de verspreiding en de behandeling. Op dit moment zijn in Nederland twaalf patiënten met zikavirusinfectie gediagnosticeerd en allen hebben deze opgelopen tijdens een reis naar Suriname.


Lokale transmissie van het zikavirus is in Europees Nederland zeer onwaarschijnlijk, dit omdat de verantwoordelijke muggen in Nederland niet aanwezig zijn. Verder is de Ae. Aegypti, die nu de uitbraak veroorzaakt, een tropische en subtropische muggensoort, niet in staat om de winter van een gematigd klimaat te overleven. Daarom heeft deze mug vooralsnog geen kans op vestiging in Nederland.

Weliswaar wordt in Nederland incidenteel de Aziatische tijgermug geïntroduceerd, die waarschijnlijk in staat is het zikavirus over te dragen, maar de overheid heeft door bestrijding vestiging van deze mug kunnen voorkomen, wat overdracht uitsluit. Voorbereidingen van de overheid richten zich op het voorkomen van vestiging van exotische muggen in het Europese deel van Nederland. In mijn brief van 26 juni 2015 aan de Tweede Kamer (32 793, nr. 191) heb ik het huidige beleid en mijn voorgenomen beleidswijzing uiteen gezet. De bestrijding van de ongewenste invoer en vestiging van invasieve exotische muggen in Nederland, moet in de toekomst onder verantwoordelijkheid van de minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport komen. De uitvoering, het toezicht en de handhaving komt in handen van de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA). Daarnaast wordt de minister in staat gesteld preventieve maatregelen op te leggen en daar sancties aan te koppelen bij het niet opvolgen van deze maatregelen.

Welzijn en Sport,

mw. drs. E.I. Schippers (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 26 januari 2016, 20:11:08
Brazil's health minister says the country will mobilize some 220,000 troops to battle the mosquito blamed for spreading a virus suspected of causing birth defects, but he also was quoted Tuesday as saying the battle already is being lost. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 27 januari 2016, 16:13:33
Denmark and Switzerland on Wednesday joined a growing number of European countries to report Zika infections among travelers returning from Latin America, where the mosquito-borne virus has been blamed for a surge in birth defects. The fresh cases in Europe came as President Barack Obama called for the rapid development of tests, vaccines and treatments to fight the virus amid fears of a spread to the United States. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 27 januari 2016, 16:17:14
An alarming rise in Brazil in the number of cases of babies born with smaller-than-normal heads — a condition known as microcephaly — has public health officials racing to determine if the cause is a mosquito-borne virus known as Zika. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 27 januari 2016, 16:36:02
Information session on #Zika TOMORROW, 28 Jan 2016, 13h00 CET/12h00 GMT.
Follow live web cast via ( #EB138 #ZikaVirus
4:31pm · 27 Jan 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: Live op 27 januari 2016, 19:57:54
The Zika virus is not only dangerous for babies (
Gepubliceerd op 27 jan. 2016
A mosquito-borne illness called Zika virus is quickly making waves around the world after thousands of infected women gave birth to babies with severe brain and head underdevelopment in Brazil.

As the disease spreads at a rapid pace, here's what you should know. Watch our report.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 27 januari 2016, 21:21:36
There is a potential for epidemics of #Zika to occur in areas where it is newly introduced because people lack immunity to the #ZikaVirus
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 27 januari 2016, 21:27:49
The White House @WhiteHouse
.@POTUS met with his national security and health teams on the spread of the #Zika virus → (

Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 27 januari 2016, 21:58:37
Major epidemics of #Zika may occur in cities globally as environments where mosquitoes can live & breed are increasing due to urbanization
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: Live op 27 januari 2016, 22:50:15
Mogelijk over tien jaar pas vaccin tegen zika-virus

Citaat van:

Amerikaanse wetenschappers die het zika-virus bestuderen, zeggen dat het mogelijk nog tien jaar duurt voordat er een vaccin op de markt komt. Tegen de BBC zeggen ze dat er over twee jaar een product kan liggen waarmee kan worden getest. Daarna duurt het waarschijnlijk nog jaren voordat de toezichthouders een medicijn goedkeuren.

De Amerikaanse wetenschappers hebben in Brazilië monsters van het virus verzameld. Ze voeren nu experimenten uit in laboratoria in Galveston, Texas.

lees verder: (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 06:11:43
Surveillance of #Zika as well as neurological complications, incl microcephaly & Guillain-Barré syndrome, should be strengthened #ZikaVirus

WHO recommends controlling mosquito populations to reduce the spread of #Zika, dengue, chikungunya which are transmitted by the same mosq.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 06:22:19
Zika virus  resources and literature: (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 07:16:50
What should you do as an emergency physician? (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 28 januari 2016, 12:50:10
Citaat van:
Wie komende zomer naar Zuid-Frankrijk, Spanje, Italië of Griekenland afreist, moet er rekening mee houden dat het zikavirus daar rondwaart. Een uitbraak ligt op de loer, zeggen experts tegen RTL Nieuws.
"We praten hier niet over een scenario. Het zikavirus zal waarschijnlijk vanaf april opduiken in Zuid-Europa. Daar zijn al heel veel tijgermuggen. Als één persoon met het virus onder de leden in Zuid-Europa wordt gebeten door zo'n mug, dan kun je ook daar een epidemie gaan verwachten", zegt muggenexpert Bart Knols tegen RTL Nieuws.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 28 januari 2016, 13:27:40
AFP news agency @AFP
#BREAKING Zika is 'spreading explosively', emergency meeting in February: WHO chief
1:16pm · 28 Jan 2016 ·

zie ook tweets @WHO
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 14:50:22
Dr Chan is addressing the 138th Executive Board meeting on #ZikaVirus #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: For decades, #ZikaVirus, transmitted by the Aedes genus of mosquito, slumbered, affecting mainly monkeys #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: In humans, #Zika occasionally caused a mild disease of low concern #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Chan: Last year, [#ZikaVirus] was detected in the Americas, where it is now spreading explosively #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: As of today, [#Zika] cases have been reported in 23 countries and territories in the region #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Chan: The level of alarm [of #Zika spread] is extremely high #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Chan: Arrival of [#ZikaVirus] in some countries has been assoc w/ a steep increase in the birth of babies w/ abnormally small heads #Zika
Dr Chan: [Arrival of #ZikaVirus in some countries has also been assoc w/] cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome #Zika
Dr Chan: WHO is deeply concerned about this rapidly evolving [#Zika] situation for four main reasons #EB138 #ZikaVirus
Dr Chan: I have decided to convene an Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations [on #ZikaVirus] #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: The International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on #ZikaVirus to meet on Mon., 1 Feb 2016 in Geneva #Zika
Dr Carissa Etienne of @pahowho is addressing the information briefing on #ZikaVirus at #EB138
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: I welcome [WHO] Director-General's announcement that she is calling an Emergency Committee meeting on #ZikaVirus
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: PAHO is a region w/ long experience in tackling mosquito-borne diseases - notably dengue and chikungunya #EB138
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: Since May 2015, we hv issued monthly [epidemiological] alerts advising countries what to do if they have #Zika cases
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: We have worked w/ Member States to mobilize community engagement - particularly around vector control #ZikaVirus
Dr Etienne @pahowho: Brazil first reported an upsurge in microcephaly in October we promptly convened an expert group #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Etienne @pahowho: Throughout the past 8 months we have liaised closely w/ [WHO] HQ [on #Zika resp] & look fwd to continuing our collab
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: [#Zika] is not Ebola, this disease needs a vehicle. Controlling the vector is important to control the disease
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: #ZikaVirus will go everywhere the mosquito is. We should assume that. We should not wait for it to spread
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: There is no immunity [against #ZikaVirus] in the community in the Americas #Zika #EB138
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: We need to strengthen health system, we need to fill in the knowledge gap on #ZikaVirus #Zika #EB138
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: Risk of dengue transmission = risk of #ZikaVirus transmission #Zika #EB138


Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: Recommendations for WHO Member States on #ZikaVirus #Zika #EB138


NOW: Dr Claudio Maierovitch, Director of Communicable Diseases Surv., Min of Health, #Brazil addresses #EB138 info session on #ZikaVirus
Dr Maierovitch of Min of Health #Brazil: Working on #Zika vaccine initiatives in the country #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Lyle Peterson of the U.S. CDC is now addressing the #EB138 information session on #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Lyle Peterson of @CDCGlobal: Epidemiology team working in Brazil on two control studies on #ZikaVirus and Guillain-Barré, microcephaly
WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan & Regional-Director for @pahowho Dr Carissa Etienne brief #EB138 on #ZikaVirus


Dr Sylvain Aldighieri of @pahowho: #ZikaVirus circulating at the moment in the Americas is v close to the one circ. in the Pacific Islands
Dr Chan: WHO to bring together the best experts in the world to look whether #ZikaVirus causes microcephaly or Guillain-Barrè syndr. #EB138
Dr Chan: We want to overcome the scientific gap on [#ZikaVirus], hence sharing of information will be crucial #EB138
The #EB138 information session on #ZikaVirus has ended.
Thank you for following the live web cast and our tweets from the event
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 18:59:43
Dr. Tom Frieden @DrFriedenCDC
Pregnant women urged to avoid areas w. ongoing #Zika transmission or strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites. (

Dr. Tom Frieden @DrFriedenCDC
In partnership w/ @AmerAcadPeds, CDC releases new recommendations for evaluation of infants for #Zika. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 19:01:14
(CNN)The Zika virus is "is now spreading explosively" in the Americas, the head of the World Health Organization said Thursday, with another official estimating between 3 million to 4 million infections in the region over a 12-month period. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 28 januari 2016, 19:06:29
Citaat van:
WHO to convene an International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations

WHO statement 28 January 2016

WHO Director-General, Margaret Chan, will convene an International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations.

The Committee will meet on Monday 1 February in Geneva to ascertain whether the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Decisions concerning the Committee’s membership and advice will be made public on WHO’s website.

Outbreak in the Americas

In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus disease. Since then, the disease has spread within Brazil and to 22 other countries and territories in the region.

Arrival of the virus in some countries of the Americas, notably Brazil, has been associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads and in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a poorly understood condition in which the immune system attacks the nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis.

A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth defects and neurological syndromes has not been established, but is strongly suspected.

WHO action

WHO’s Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO) has been working closely with affected countries since May 2015. PAHO has mobilized staff and members of the Global Outbreak and Response Network (GOARN) to assist ministries of health in strengthening their abilities to detect the arrival and circulation of Zika virus through laboratory testing and rapid reporting. The aim has been to ensure accurate clinical diagnosis and treatment for patients, to track the spread of the virus and the mosquito that carries it, and to promote prevention, especially through mosquito control.

The Organization is supporting the scaling up and strengthening of surveillance systems in countries that have reported cases of Zika and of microcephaly and other neurological conditions that may be associated with the virus. Surveillance is also being heightened in countries to which the virus may spread. In the coming weeks, the Organization will convene experts to address critical gaps in scientific knowledge about the virus and its potential effects on fetuses, children and adults.

WHO will also prioritize the development of vaccines and new tools to control mosquito populations, as well as improving diagnostic tests.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 19:18:00
WHO Dr Bruce Aylward & Dr Sylvain Aldighieri of @pahowho brief the media on #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Aldighieri: #Zika spreads rapidly in the Americas bcause the population do not hv immunity & Aedes aegypti mosquitos are everywhere
Dr Aldighieri of @pahowho: Increase in Microcephaly cases first reported in Brazil in October 2015 #ZikaVirus
Dr Aylward: There are still lot of uncertainties... a lot of unanswered questions around #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Aylward: In the face of so much uncertainty [on #ZikaVirus] it is important to demonstrate caution particularly around pregnant women
Dr Aylward: But it is equally important to ensure that countries don't put in place inappropriate measures, advice in travel and trade #Zika
Dr Aldighieri of @pahowho: #ZikaVirus is circulating in the Americas with high intensity #Zika
Dr Aylward stresses uncertainty re: numbers of #Zika cases as so much unknown and it is hard to test for the disease #ZikaVirus
Dr Aylward highlighted the need for better diagnostics test for #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Aylward: Important to understand the difference between association vs causation on #Zika and microcephaly, Guillain-Barrè syndrome
Dr Aylward: Association between #Zika and microcephaly or Guillain-Barrè syndrome is not necessarily causation #ZikaVirus
Dr Aylward: WHO is working with the global scientific community, industry looking into antiviral, vaccine, diagnostics for #Zika #ZikaVirus
Dr Aylward: WHO is working with the global scientific community, industry looking into antiviral, vaccine, diagnostics for #Zika #ZikaVirus

WHO fact sheet on #ZikaVirus available in 6 languages #Zika (

WHO Q&As on #ZikaVirus (available in 5 languages) #Zika (

PAHO/WHO @pahowho
Read Dr. Etienne's Statement on #ZikaVirus in the #Americas @WHO's #EB138 #Zika #FightAedes (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 28 januari 2016, 20:46:26
#Zika virus is now present in 22 countries in the Americas. Here is what you need to know about it. #infographic

Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 28 januari 2016, 21:32:55
PAHO/WHO Disasters @PAHOdisasters
How to prevent #mosquito breeding sites. Visit for more information. #Zika #ZikaVirus (
8:39pm · 28 Jan 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 29 januari 2016, 07:51:45
Citaat van:
'Einde van het jaar vaccin tegen zika-virus'
Voor het eind van dit jaar zou er al een vaccin tegen het zika-virus kunnen zijn. Wetenschappers uit Amerika en Canada werken daar momenteel aan.
Dat maakte een wetenschapper uit het team donderdag lokale tijd bekend. lees verder (

zie ook (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 29 januari 2016, 08:16:16
Citaat van:çao
Zikavirus ook op Curaçao
Vandaag is bevestigd dat een persoon op Curaçao besmet is geraakt met het zikavirus. Al eerder werd het virus gevonden binnen het Caribisch gebied en het was te verwachten dat het virus zich zou verspreiden naar de voormalige Nederlandse Antillen. Voor reizigers naar Curaçao geldt ook het advies om overdag en ‘s nachts muggenwerende maatregelen te nemen. Zwangere vrouwen en vrouwen die zwanger willen worden, wordt uit voorzorg geadviseerd om met een arts de noodzaak van een reis goed te overleggen en uitstel te overwegen.

Patiënten in Nederland
In Nederland is tot nu toe bij 13 personen het zikavirus vastgesteld. Zij zijn allemaal op reis besmet geraakt met het virus. Omdat in Nederland de verantwoordelijke steekmuggen niet voorkomen, is verspreiding van het virus binnen Nederland zeer onwaarschijnlijk. Een uitzondering hierop zijn de BES-eilanden (Bonaire, St. Eustatius en Saba), hier komen deze steekmuggen wel voor.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 29 januari 2016, 12:27:51
Eén jaar voor het ontwikkelen van een zika-vaccin, lijkt viroloog @MarionKoopmans van @ErasmusMC erg optimistisch: (
11:46am · 29 Jan 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 29 januari 2016, 12:42:42
Citaat van:
What Would It Take to Prove the Zika–Microcephaly Link
Zika virus has been grabbing headlines because of its links to an alarming birth defect called microcephaly. The data to provide evidence linking the relatively mild mosquito-borne disease and babies born with small heads and potential brain damage, however, are not yet conclusive. World Health Organization and U.S. government officials today discussed this data gap today in a series of public comments and press briefings lees verder (

Hoewel de Braziliaanse regering zegt dat 4.000 gevallen van microcefalie ( zijn. Zijn er slechts zes gevallen zijn bewezen veroorzaakt door Zika virus. Laboratoriumtesten bevestigen dan dat genetisch materiaal van het virus aanwezig is in het kind.

zie ook (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 29 januari 2016, 13:36:24
270 of 4,180 suspected cases have been confirmed as microcephaly, with the brain damage associated with the defect ruled out in 462 cases.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 30 januari 2016, 22:24:07
Citaat van:
In Colombia hebben meer dan 2100 zwangere vrouwen het zikavirus, heeft het nationale gezondheidsinstituut van het Zuid-Amerikaanse land zaterdag gemeld.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 1 februari 2016, 19:29:20
World Health Organization declares the Zika virus a global health emergency.  More details soon.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 1 februari 2016, 19:40:14
Brazil's Health Minister Marcelo Castro said on Monday that the Zika epidemic in his country is worse than believed because in 80 percent of the cases the infected people have no symptoms. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 1 februari 2016, 19:45:18
Citaat van: oma link=msg=1403416 date=1454351360
World Health Organization declares the Zika virus a global health emergency.  More details soon.

The public health emergency is not Zika but the clusters of microcephaly and Guillain–Barré syndrome cases.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 2 februari 2016, 08:39:00
Citaat van:
WHO Director-General summarizes the outcome of the Emergency Committee on Zika

WHO statement on the first meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations
1 February 2016

I convened an Emergency Committee, under the International Health Regulations, to gather advice on the severity of the health threat associated with the continuing spread of Zika virus disease in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Committee met today by teleconference.

In assessing the level of threat, the 18 experts and advisers looked in particular at the strong association, in time and place, between infection with the Zika virus and a rise in detected cases of congenital malformations and neurological complications.

The experts agreed that a causal relationship between Zika infection during pregnancy and microcephaly is strongly suspected, though not yet scientifically proven. All agreed on the urgent need to coordinate international efforts to investigate and understand this relationship better.

The experts also considered patterns of recent spread and the broad geographical distribution of mosquito species that can transmit the virus.

The lack of vaccines and rapid and reliable diagnostic tests, and the absence of population immunity in newly affected countries were cited as further causes for concern.

After a review of the evidence, the Committee advised that the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders reported in Brazil, following a similar cluster in French Polynesia in 2014, constitutes an “extraordinary event” and a public health threat to other parts of the world.

In their view, a coordinated international response is needed to minimize the threat in affected countries and reduce the risk of further international spread.

Members of the Committee agreed that the situation meets the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

I have accepted this advice.

I am now declaring that the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders reported in Brazil, following a similar cluster in French Polynesia in 2014, constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

A coordinated international response is needed to improve surveillance, the detection of infections, congenital malformations, and neurological complications, to intensify the control of mosquito populations, and to expedite the development of diagnostic tests and vaccines to protect people at risk, especially during pregnancy.

The Committee found no public health justification for restrictions on travel or trade to prevent the spread of Zika virus.

At present, the most important protective measures are the control of mosquito populations and the prevention of mosquito bites in at-risk individuals, especially pregnant women.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 2 februari 2016, 08:47:37
Citaat van:
WHO statement on the first meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR 2005) Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations

WHO statement
1 February 2016

The first meeting of the Emergency Committee (EC) convened by the Director-General under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR 2005) regarding clusters of microcephaly cases and other neurologic disorders in some areas affected by Zika virus was held by teleconference on 1 February 2016, from 13:10 to 16:55 Central European Time.

The WHO Secretariat briefed the Committee on the clusters of microcephaly and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) that have been temporally associated with Zika virus transmission in some settings. The Committee was provided with additional data on the current understanding of the history of Zika virus, its spread, clinical presentation and epidemiology.

The following States Parties provided information on a potential association between microcephaly and/or neurological disorders and Zika virus disease: Brazil, France, United States of America, and El Salvador.

The Committee advised that the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurologic disorders reported in Brazil, following a similar cluster in French Polynesia in 2014, constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

The Committee provided the following advice to the Director-General for her consideration to address the PHEIC (clusters of microcephaly and neurologic disorders) and their possible association with Zika virus, in accordance with IHR (2005).

Microcephaly and neurologic disorders
Surveillance for microcephaly and GBS should be standardized and enhanced, particularly in areas of known Zika virus transmission and areas at risk of such transmission.
Research into the etiology of new clusters of microcephaly and neurologic disorders should be intensified to determine whether there is a causative link to Zika virus and/or other factors or co-factors.
As these clusters have occurred in areas newly infected with Zika virus, and in keeping with good public health practice and the absence of another explanation for these clusters, the Committee highlights the importance of aggressive measures to reduce infection with Zika virus, particularly among pregnant women and women of childbearing age.

As a precautionary measure, the Committee made the following additional recommendations:

Zika virus transmission
- Surveillance for Zika virus infection should be enhanced, with the dissemination of standard case definitions and diagnostics to at-risk areas.
- The development of new diagnostics for Zika virus infection should be prioritized to facilitate surveillance and control measures.
- Risk communications should be enhanced in countries with Zika virus transmission to address population concerns, enhance community engagement, improve reporting, and ensure application of vector control and personal protective measures.
- Vector control measures and appropriate personal protective measures should be aggressively promoted and implemented to reduce the risk of exposure to Zika virus.
- Attention should be given to ensuring women of childbearing age and particularly pregnant women have the necessary information and materials to reduce risk of exposure.
- Pregnant women who have been exposed to Zika virus should be counselled and followed for birth outcomes based on the best available information and national practice and policies.

Longer-term measures
- Appropriate research and development efforts should be intensified for Zika virus vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.
- In areas of known Zika virus transmission health services should be prepared for potential increases in neurological syndromes and/or congenital malformations.

Travel measures
- There should be no restrictions on travel or trade with countries, areas and/or territories with Zika virus transmission.
- Travellers to areas with Zika virus transmission should be provided with up to date advice on potential risks and appropriate measures to reduce the possibility of exposure to mosquito bites.
- Standard WHO recommendations regarding disinsection of aircraft and airports should be implemented.

Data sharing
- National authorities should ensure the rapid and timely reporting and sharing of information of public health importance relevant to this PHEIC.
- Clinical, virologic and epidemiologic data related to the increased rates of microcephaly and/or GBS, and Zika virus transmission, should be rapidly shared with WHO to facilitate international understanding of the these events, to guide international support for control efforts, and to prioritize further research and product development.

Based on this advice the Director-General declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 1 February 2016. The Director-General endorsed the Committee’s advice and issued them as Temporary Recommendations under IHR (2005). The Director-General thanked the Committee Members and Advisors for their advice.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: Live op 2 februari 2016, 14:44:13 (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 2 februari 2016, 22:32:46
C. Michael Gibson MD
Dallas reports first U.S. case of #Zika virus caught in US itself which was sexually transmitted (
9:41pm · 2 Feb 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 3 februari 2016, 06:26:07

country where Zika virus is present = Venezuela
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 3 februari 2016, 06:36:37
Bron-patient in Texas:

Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 3 februari 2016, 06:45:33
(Reuters) - The American Red Cross appealed on Tuesday to prospective donors who have visited Zika outbreak zones to wait at least 28 days before giving blood, but said the risk of transmitting the virus through blood donations remained "extremely" low in the continental United States. (

Public Health Ministry: Qatar Free from Zika Virus

Doha, February 01 (QNA) - The Ministry of Public Health has announced that no case of Zika virus has been reported in the country.

In a press release on its website, the Public Health Ministry said it is working closely with the WHO EMRO office to ensure that all needed actions are taken. The entire health sector has been alerted to be ready to deal with any suspected case amongst returning travelers. The Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits the virus is not present in Qatar; further studies are however ongoing. WHO has advised no travel restrictions; however, the Ministry of Public Health advises all residents to postpone non-essential travel to the 24 affected countries; in particular women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the near future should consider delaying travel to areas with Zika virus present. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: ir. Auditor op 3 februari 2016, 09:30:46
Gaat sanquin zijn beleid ook aanpassen?
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 3 februari 2016, 09:48:44
Het Amerikaanse Rode Kruis heeft dat al gedaan in ieder geval.
The American Red Cross appealed on Tuesday to prospective donors who have visited Zika outbreak zones to wait at least 28 days before giving blood, but said the risk of transmitting the virus through blood donations remained "extremely" low in the continental United States.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: ir. Auditor op 3 februari 2016, 10:02:43
Citaat van: RAdeR link=msg=1403750 date=1454489324
Het Amerikaanse Rode Kruis heeft dat al gedaan in ieder geval.
vandaar mijn vraag
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 3 februari 2016, 21:53:00
WASHINGTON — Blood banks in the United States and Canada have begun turning away prospective donors who have visited Latin America in the past four weeks to avoid contaminating the blood supply with the Zika virus, according to officials with the group that represents nearly all of the blood donation centers in the United States. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 4 februari 2016, 10:03:41
PAHO/WHO @pahowho
New: Strategy for Enhancing National Capacity to Respond to #ZikaVirus Epidemic in the #Americas. #FightAedes #Zika (
11:09pm · 3 Feb 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 4 februari 2016, 10:13:45
Citaat van: ir. Auditor link=msg=1403749 date=1454488246
Gaat sanquin zijn beleid ook aanpassen?

Citaat van:
Transfusiebloed in Nederland vrij van zikavirus
Datum 3 februari 2016

Zika mugDe WHO luidt de noodklok over het zikavirus. Het virus grijpt in Latijns-Amerika en het Caribisch ​gebied om zich heen. Ongeveer 1 op de 4 mensen die besmet raakt met het zikavirus krijgt ziekteverschijnselen. Na 2 tot 7 dagen is de infectie voorbij. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat een infectie met het zikavirus tijdens de zwangerschap schadelijk kan zijn voor het ongeboren kind. Voor zwangere vrouwen en vrouwen die zwanger willen worden geldt daarom een negatief reisadvies voor Latijns-Amerika en het Caribisch ​gebied.

Nederlandse bloeddonors kunnen het virus alleen oplopen als zij in Latijns-Amerika of het Caribisch ​gebied verblijven. De steekmuggen die het zikavirus verspreiden komen niet in Europa voor. ​Ook vanwege andere infecties die buiten Europa veel voorkomen, mogen Nederlandse donors na een verblijf buiten Europa gedurende 4 weken geen bloed geven. Het zikavirus is daardoor geen gevaar voor de Nederlandse bloedvoorziening.
Op het moment dat de Zika verspreidende muggen wel in Europa worden aangetroffen, zal Sanquin passende maatregelen treffen.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 4 februari 2016, 10:58:21
Citaat van:
De meest gestelde vragen over het zika-virus
​#ZikaVirus - Het zika-virus veroorzaakt bij mensen een milde ziekte, bekend als 'zika' de 'zika-koorts', of de 'zika-ziekte', maar wordt in verband gebracht met microcefalie - te kleine hersenen - bij baby's. Wat moet je weten over het zika-virus? En wat doet het Rode Kruis? lees verder (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 4 februari 2016, 15:33:09 (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: oma op 5 februari 2016, 09:33:59 (
Titel: Aantal besmette Nederlanders met Zika met 7 gestegen tot totaal 20
Bericht door: RAdeR op 5 februari 2016, 14:13:50
Citaat van:
Twintig nederlanders besmet met zikavirus
Het aantal mensen in ons land dat besmet is met het zikavirus is opgelopen tot twintig. Dat meldde minister Edith Schippers van Volksgezondheid vrijdag. Onder hen zijn geen zwangere vrouwen, voegde ze eraan toe.
De mensen hebben de besmetting opgelopen in Suriname, aldus de bewindsvrouw.
lees verder (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 5 februari 2016, 17:21:21
The Associated Press @AP
BREAKING: Leader Brazilian health research institute says scientists discovered presence of active Zika virus in urine and saliva samples.
3:36pm · 5 Feb 2016
Titel: Laatste situatie rapport WHO Zika virus
Bericht door: RAdeR op 8 februari 2016, 09:32:29
Citaat van:
Latest Zika situation report

Neurological syndrome and congenital anomalies

Read the full situation report (
5 February 2016


An Emergency Committee was convened by the Director-General under the International Health Regulations (2005) on 1 February 2016. Following the advice of the Committee, the Director-General announced the recent cluster of microcephaly and other neurologic disorders reported in Brazil to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
The Emergency Committee agreed that a causal relationship between Zika infection during pregnancy and microcephaly is strongly suspected, though not yet scientifically proven. All experts agreed on the urgent need to coordinate international efforts to investigate and understand this relationship better.
Between January 2014 and 5 February 2016, a total of 33 countries have reported autochthonous circulation of Zika virus. There is also indirect evidence of local transmission in 6 additional countries.
The geographical distribution of Zika virus has been steadily increasing since it was first detected in the Americas in 2015. Further spread to countries within the geographical range of competent disease vectors — Aedes mosquitoes — is considered likely.
Seven countries have reported an increase in the incidence of cases of microcephaly and/or Guillain-Barré syndrome concomitantly with a Zika virus outbreak.
The global prevention and control strategy launched by WHO is based on surveillance, response activities, and research.

Titel: Olympische spelen en uitbraak Zika virus
Bericht door: RAdeR op 8 februari 2016, 13:30:41
Citaat van:
The United States Olympic Committee told U.S. sports federations that athletes and staff concerned for their health over the Zika virus should consider not going to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in August.
Titel: Most people recover fully from even the most severe cases of Guillain Barré Syndrome
Bericht door: oma op 8 februari 2016, 17:00:35 (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 9 februari 2016, 09:11:05
Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
Wanna know #Zika's backstory? @sciencecohen has done all the research for you. (
6:00am · 9 Feb 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: helm op 9 februari 2016, 20:14:59
Zika virus online te koop voor $ 516 (

Name of Depositor     J. Casals, Rockefeller Foundation
Source                 Blood from experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947
Year of Origin         1947
References                 Dick GW. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 46: 509, 1952.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 11 februari 2016, 22:47:09
Citaat van:
Women in the context of microcephaly and Zika virus disease

The risk of babies born with microcephaly has raised understandable concerns among women including those who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. There are many unknowns regarding the possible causes of microcephaly. Until we have more answers, there are ways that women can protect themselves from Zika infection.

Online Q&A
10 February 2016

Should pregnant women be concerned about Zika virus disease?

Although symptoms associated with Zika are generally mild, a possible association has been observed between the unusual rise of Zika cases and microcephaly cases in Brazil since 2015.

What is microcephaly?

Microcephaly is a condition where a baby is born with a small head or the head stops growing after birth. Microcephaly is usually a rare condition, with one baby in several thousand being born with the birth defect. If this combines with poor brain growth, babies with microcephaly can have developmental disabilities.

The most reliable way to assess whether a baby has microcephaly is to measure head circumference 24 hours after birth, compare this with WHO growth standards, and continue to measure the rate of head growth in early infancy. Brazil has reported an unusual, sudden increase in babies born with microcephaly since May 2015. lees verder ( (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 12 februari 2016, 07:57:01
Citaat van:
How to make a Zika virus vaccine, in 4 not-so-easy steps
The basic idea behind vaccines is simple: Expose people to a non-dangerous form of a virus, and their bodies' immune systems will bolster their defenses, protecting them from future encounters with the virus.
But in practice, developing a new vaccine can be tricky. Sometimes a vaccine that works in animals shows no effect in humans. Sometimes a vaccine that appears safe in initial trials can produce unforeseen side effects later on. "There’s always surprises in the vaccine field," says Philip K. Russell, a retired US Army medical researcher who helped develop vaccines for hepatitis and meningitis. lees verder (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 13 februari 2016, 21:31:40
Citaat van:
Zika and potential complications

Read the full situation report pdf, 628kb (


WHO has called for a coordinated and multisectoral response through an inter-agency Strategic Response Framework focusing on response, surveillance and research.
39 countries have reported locally acquired circulation of the virus since January 2007. Geographical distribution of the virus has steadily expanded.
Six countries (Brazil, French Polynesia, El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia and Suriname) have reported an increase in the incidence of cases of microcephaly and/or Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in conjunction with an outbreak of the Zika virus. Puerto Rico and Martinique have reported cases of GBS associated with Zika virus infection without an increase of incidence. No scientific evidence to date confirms a link between Zika virus and microcephaly or GBS.
Women’s reproductive health has been thrust into the limelight with the spread of the Zika virus. The latest evidence suggests that Zika virus infection during pregnancy may be linked to microcephaly in newborn babies.
WHO advice on travel to Zika-affected countries includes advice for pregnant women as well as women who are trying to become pregnant and their sexual partners.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: Diamondback op 14 februari 2016, 17:08:09 (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 16 februari 2016, 22:30:56
Citaat van:
De wereld is in rep en roer. Deze keer niet vanwege oorlog, terrorisme, hongersnood of een ziekte waaraan duizenden mensen sterven. Maar vanwege een virus dat te boek staat als tamelijk onschuldig. Zika jaagt menigeen de stuipen op het lijf door een sterke associatie met de ernstige hersenafwijking microcefalie. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) kondigde op 1 februari ‘een medische noodsituatie van internationale zorg’ af. Dat gebeurde op advies van een expertcommissie onder leiding van professor David Heymann, topinfectioloog-epidemioloog van de Londen School of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases. Rinke van den Brink en Judith Pennarts spraken begin februari uitgebreid met Heymann. lees verder (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 16 februari 2016, 22:34:54
Citaat van:
Beantwoording Kamervragen over de ‘wereldwijde noodsituatie’ door het zikavirus

Minister Schippers (VWS) stuurt de Tweede Kamer de antwoorden op vragen ( van het Kamerlid Bruins Slot (CDA) over de ‘wereldwijde noodsituatie’ door het zikavirus.
Titel: Pregnant Women Should Avoid Travelling to 2016 Olympics in Rio
Bericht door: oma op 27 februari 2016, 12:54:18
Washington, February 27 (QNA) - US public health authorities are calling on pregnant women not to travel to the Olympic Games in Brazil this summer due to concerns about a birth defect that may be caused by the Zika virus.
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the recommendation in a report that also contained the results of an investigation into cases on US soil. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 12 maart 2016, 09:47:26
Test your knowledge on #ZikaVirus and see how you score on @WHO's #Zika quiz - (
6:31am · 12 Mar 2016 (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 21 maart 2016, 08:01:15
Get info on #ZikaVirus in your pocket!
Download WHO #Zika app for Android & iPhone (
8:08pm · 20 Mar 2016 ·
Titel: Situatie Zika virus ernstiger en complexer dan deskundigen verwacht hadden
Bericht door: RAdeR op 12 april 2016, 07:53:23
Citaat van:
Zika causes more problems than previously realized, experts say
The situation surrounding the Zika virus appears more complex and difficult the more experts learn about it, federal health authorities reported on Monday.
During a White House press briefing, Dr. Anne Schuchat, Principal Deputy Director of the CDC told reporters, “Everything we look at with this virus seems to be a bit scarier than we initially thought.” lees verder (

zie ook (
Titel: WHO warns of potential for 'marked increase' in Zika cases
Bericht door: oma op 25 april 2016, 11:07:11
As places like Europe approaching summer, the World Health Organization said the Zika virus could spread widely in the coming months. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 30 april 2016, 19:26:29
Citaat van:
Eerste dode in VS door Zika virus
In de Verenigde Staten is voor het eerst iemand overleden aan het zikavirus. Een man, die in de zeventig was, stierf in februari in Puerto Rico aan de gevolgen van de ziekte, meldden Amerikaanse autoriteiten vrijdag (lokale tijd). lees verder (
Titel: WHO/PAHO statement Zika virus en de 2016 Rio Olympische and Paralympische spelen
Bericht door: RAdeR op 13 mei 2016, 08:51:24
Citaat van:
WHO/PAHO statement on Zika virus and the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recognize that athletes and visitors are seeking more information on the risks of Zika and ways to prevent infection while attending the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games (5 August to 18 September 2016).

Brazil is one of the 58 countries and territories which to-date report continuing transmission of Zika virus by mosquitoes. While mosquitoes are the primary vectors, a person infected with Zika virus can also transmit the virus to another person through unprotected sex. Zika virus disease usually causes mild symptoms(1), and most people will not develop any symptoms. However, there is scientific consensus that Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly (children being born with unusually small heads) and other brain malformations and disorders in babies born to women who were infected with Zika virus during pregnancy, and Guillain-Barré syndrome (a rare but serious neurological disorder that could lead to paralysis and death).

Athletes and visitors to Rio de Janeiro, and other areas where Zika virus is circulating, are being encouraged to
- follow the travel advice(2) provided by WHO and their countries' health authorities, and consult a health worker before travelling;
 -whenever possible, during the day, protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellents and by wearing clothing – preferably light-coloured – that covers as much of the body as possible;
- practice safer sex (e.g. use condoms correctly and consistently) or abstain from sex during their stay and for at least four weeks after their return, particularly if they have had or are experiencing symptoms of Zika virus;
- choose air-conditioned accommodation (windows and doors are usually kept closed to prevent the cool air from escaping, and mosquitoes cannot enter the rooms);
- avoid visiting impoverished and over-crowded areas in cities and towns with no piped water and poor sanitation (ideal breeding grounds of mosquitoes) where the risk of being bitten is higher.Pregnant women continue to be advised not to travel to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission. This includes Rio de Janeiro.

Pregnant women continue to be advised not to travel to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission. This includes Rio de Janeiro. Pregnant women's sex partners returning from areas with circulating virus continue to be counselled to practice safer sex or abstain throughout the pregnancy(3). The Games will take place during Brazil's wintertime when there are fewer active mosquitoes and the risk of being bitten is lower.

WHO/PAHO is providing public health advice to the Government of Brazil and, under a Memorandum of Understanding, the International Olympic Committee and, by extension, the Rio 2016 Local Organizing Committee, on ways to further mitigate the risk of athletes and visitors contracting Zika virus during the Games. An important focus of WHO advice revolves around measures to reduce populations of Aedes mosquitoes which transmit chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever in addition to Zika virus.

WHO/PAHO will continue to monitor the Zika virus transmission and risks in Brazil and in other affected areas to provide updates on how Zika virus outbreaks, risks and prevention interventions develop between now and August and beyond.

(1) Symptoms include fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache.
(2) Travel advice from WHO (
(3) Prevention of sexual transmission (

For more information on Zika and complications, visit this link (
Titel: Diagnosing Guillain-Barré Syndrome in Zika-Afflicted Haiti
Bericht door: oma op 15 mei 2016, 13:37:44
When neurologist Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD, arrived in Haiti in early January, the Zika virus was omnipresent in newspaper headlines and in many countries in the Americas. Not long after Berkowitz’s arrival, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would confirm cases of Zika virus infection in Haiti as well. Since BWH played a significant role in the establishment of the University Hospital in Mirebalais, which opened in 2013, Berkowitz, who leads BWH’s Global Neurology Program, has made frequent trips to the country, where he and colleagues from Partners In Health have established the first neurology training program in Haiti. During his January visit, Berkowitz and his neurology fellow Roosevelt Francois, MD (the first neurology trainee in Haiti), were asked to consult on an unusual case. A young man was unable to move any of the muscles of his face, and noted painful tingling in his fingertips and toes. Despite the atypical presentation of symptoms, Berkowitz quickly recognized what it was: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). (
Titel: Zika virus may spread to Europe in the coming months, WHO warns
Bericht door: oma op 18 mei 2016, 16:24:51
Have 30 seconds? Here’s what you need to know today about the Zika virus.

Wednesday, May 18

The big news right now

Zika virus may spread to Europe in the coming months, WHO warns (Reuters) (
Titel: WHO verwacht dat Zika virus komende maanden in Europa zal verspreiden
Bericht door: RAdeR op 18 mei 2016, 18:59:42
Citaat van:
Zika virus expected to spread in Europe in late spring and summer: overall risk low to moderate

The overall risk of a Zika virus outbreak across the WHO European Region is low to moderate during late spring and summer, according to a new risk assessment published today by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. While this risk varies across the Region, it is higher in countries where Aedes mosquitoes are present.

"The new evidence published today tells us that there is a risk of spread of Zika virus disease in the European Region and that this risk varies from country to country," says Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe. "With this risk assessment, we at WHO want to inform and target preparedness work in each European country based on its level of risk. We call particularly on countries at higher risk to strengthen their national capacities and prioritize the activities that will prevent a large Zika outbreak."

Results of the risk assessment
WHO assessed the risk of an outbreak in Member States in the Region and Lichtenstein, based on the combination of two factors: the likelihood of Zika virus spread and existing national capacity to prevent or rapidly contain local transmission.

The likelihood of local Zika virus transmission, if no measures are taken to mitigate the threat, is moderate in 18 countries in the European Region and high in limited geographical areas: the island of Madeira and the north-eastern coast of the Black Sea. In detail, this means that:
- the areas in the Region with the presence of Aedes aegypti, the primary Zika vector, have a high likelihood of local Zika virus transmission;
- 18 countries (33%) have a moderate likelihood, owing to the presence of Aedes albopictus,  a secondary Zika vector; and
- 36 countries (66%) have a low, very low or no likelihood, owing to the absence of Aedes mosquitoes and/or suitable climatic conditions for their establishment.

The results of a questionnaire on capacity – how fast and well a country would respond to Zika virus spread – from 51 Member States in the Region and Liechtenstein indicate that 41 countries (79%) have good and very good capacity, although specific capacities varied substantially.

Combining the likelihood and capacity results provided the estimated level of risk of a Zika virus outbreak. The results show that across the WHO European Region the risk is low to moderate during late spring and summer.

Recommendations to European countries
For the purpose of recommendations, WHO focused on the likelihood, not the risk, of Zika virus spread. For countries with high and moderate likelihood of local Zika virus transmission, WHO recommends:
- strengthening vector-control activities to prevent the introduction and spread of mosquitoes, and reduce their density (particularly for areas with Aedes aegypti);
- equipping health professionals to detect local transmission of Zika virus early and to report the first case of local transmission, as well as -  - complications from infections, within 24 hours of diagnosis;
- ensuring that the skills and capacity to test for Zika virus or protocols to ship blood samples abroad are in place;
- encouraging communities to reduce mosquito breeding sites;
- enabling people at risk, especially pregnant women, to protect themselves from infection, including through sexual transmission; and
mitigating the effects of Zika virus and its complications.

All other countries should focus on adopting vector-control strategies according to their likelihood of local Zika virus transmission, detecting imported cases of Zika virus early and providing public health advice to travellers to and from affected countries, including on sexual transmission.

WHO response
"We stand ready to support European countries on the ground in case of Zika virus outbreaks," says Dr Nedret Emiroglu, Director of the Communicable Diseases and Health Security Division, WHO Regional Office for Europe. "Our support to countries in the Region to prepare for and respond to health risks such as Zika is a key aspect of the reform of WHO's work in emergencies."

To address the risk of Zika virus spread in the European Region, WHO is scaling up efforts:
- to provide guidance on vector control in coordination with other sectors;
- to facilitate the shipment of samples to WHO reference laboratories or deliver diagnostic tools for local testing; and
- to advise on risk communication and community engagement.

WHO will convene a regional consultation in Portugal on 22–24 June 2016 to examine the conclusions of the risk assessment and identify countries' needs, strengths and gaps in relation to preventing and responding to Zika virus disease.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 18 mei 2016, 19:01:36
zie ook (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 18 mei 2016, 19:05:08
Titel: WHO confirms Zika virus strain imported from the Americas to Cabo Verde
Bericht door: oma op 20 mei 2016, 17:17:58
BRAZZAVILLE / 20 May 2016 - Sequencing of the virus in Cabo Verde by Institut Pasteur, Dakar confirms that the Zika virus currently circulating in Cabo Verde is the same as the one circulating in the Americas - the Asian type- and was most likely imported from Brazil. This is the first time that the Zika strain responsible for the outbreaks linked to neurological disorders and microcephaly has been detected in Africa.

“The findings are of concern because it is further proof that the outbreak is spreading beyond South America and is on the doorstep of Africa. This information will help African countries to re-evaluate their level of risk and adapt and increase their levels of preparedness,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa.

As a first step, these countries should heighten risk communication to pregnant women to raise awareness of complications associated with the Asian type of Zika virus and promote protection steps to avoid mosquito bites as well as sexual transmission. In addition, countries should increase their surveillance for Zika transmission and congenital malformations, such as microcephaly, as well as Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Activated since February 2016, WHO Zika Virus Disease Incident Management System in Brazzaville and at Headquarters will continue to review existing risk assessments, increase surveillance, and assess laboratory testing capacity and support community engagement and risk communications in priority countries.  In addition, WHO and its partners will support the countries in the African region to step up preparedness efforts for early detection, confirmation and management of potential complications related to Zika infection. The response will build on investments in strengthened systems made in West Africa during the Ebola emergency.

Zika in Cabo Verde

As of 8 May 2016, there have been 7557 suspected cases of Zika in Cabo Verde. Three cases of microcephaly have been reported from Cabo Verde with one case reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) after being delivered in the United States. So far, no case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) has been reported from Cabo Verde. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 28 mei 2016, 09:31:22
ziekenhuis NL @ziekenhuis_nl
Wetenschappers willen uitstel Olympische Spelen in Rio om zikavirus (
5:16am · 28 May 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 28 mei 2016, 16:36:51
ziekenhuis NL @ziekenhuis_nl
WHO vindt verplaatsing Spelen om zika onnodig: De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO vindt het niet nodig ( #zhsnl
1:44pm · 28 May 2016
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 30 mei 2016, 08:53:27
Citaat van:
WHO Public Health Advice Regarding the Olympics and Zika virus

28 MAY 2016 | GENEVA - Based on current assessment, cancelling or changing the location of the 2016 Olympics will not significantly alter the international spread of Zika virus. Brazil is 1 of almost 60 countries and territories which to date report continuing transmission of Zika by mosquitoes. People continue to travel between these countries and territories for a variety of reasons. The best way to reduce risk of disease is to follow public health travel advice.

WHO advises pregnant women not to travel to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission. This includes Rio de Janeiro. Pregnant women's sex partners returning from areas with circulating virus should be counselled to practise safer sex or abstain throughout the pregnancy.

Anyone considering travel to the Olympics should:

Follow the travel advice provided by their countries' health authorities, and consult a health worker before travelling.
Whenever possible, during the day, protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellents and by wearing clothing – preferably light-coloured – that covers as much of the body as possible.
Practise safer sex (for example, use condoms correctly and consistently) or abstain from sex during their stay and for at least 4 weeks after their return, particularly if they have had or are experiencing symptoms of Zika virus.
Choose air-conditioned accommodation (where windows and doors are usually kept closed to prevent the cool air from escaping, and mosquitoes cannot enter the rooms).
Avoid visiting areas in cities and towns with no piped water or poor sanitation (ideal breeding grounds of mosquitoes), where the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes is higher.
WHO/PAHO is providing public health advice to the Government of Brazil and the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee, on ways to further mitigate the risk of athletes and visitors contracting Zika virus during the Games. An important focus of WHO advice revolves around measures to reduce populations of Aedes mosquitoes which transmit chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever in addition to Zika virus.

Based on the current assessment of Zika virus circulating in almost 60 countries globally and 39 countries in the Americas, there is no public health justification for postponing or cancelling the games. WHO will continue to monitor the situation and update our advice as necessary.
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 14 juli 2016, 08:22:29
Citaat van:
Zikavirus bij 60 reizigers vastgesteld
In Nederland is sinds begin dit jaar bij zestig mensen het zikavirus vastgesteld, van wie "een klein aantal'' zwangere vrouwen. Zij raakten allemaal besmet in het buitenland, blijkt uit actuele gegevens van het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM).
Volgens het RIVM zijn er waarschijnlijk veel meer mensen besmet geraakt, want maar een op de vijf mensen krijgt daadwerkelijk klachten na een besmetting.
Titel: Epidemie zika virus gaat 'vanzelf' voorbij volgens wetenschappers
Bericht door: RAdeR op 14 juli 2016, 21:40:32
Citaat van:
'Uitbraak zikavirus binnen drie jaar voorbij'Het duurt maximaal twee tot drie jaar voordat de zika-epidemie in Zuid-Amerika voorbij is. Tegen die tijd zijn veel mensen al eens ziek geweest en daardoor immuun geworden. Dan zijn er te weinig overblijvers om de grootschalige verspreiding in stand te houden. De epidemie dooft zichzelf, zeggen Britse wetenschappers donderdag.lees verder (
Titel: New York City reports first female-to-male Zika transmission
Bericht door: oma op 15 juli 2016, 19:07:52
New York City's health department on Friday reported the first female-to-male transmission of the Zika virus, which is most typically spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. (
Titel: Tijgermuggen die Zika-virus kunnen overdragen ontdekt in Nederland
Bericht door: RAdeR op 18 augustus 2016, 13:25:16
Citaat van:
Tijgermuggen ontdekt in woonwijk Veenendaal
In een woonwijk in Veenendaal zijn een aantal Aziatische tijgermuggen, die ziekten als het zikavirus kunnen overdragen, aangetroffen. lees verder (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 18 augustus 2016, 21:43:02
Rode Kruis @RodeKruis
Let op! In ons land zijn nu ook #tijgermuggen, die  het zika-virus kunnen verspreiden. Lees wat te doen tegen #zika (
7:57pm · 18 Aug 2016
Titel: Singapore confirms 41 locally transmitted Zika cases
Bericht door: oma op 29 augustus 2016, 08:48:06
Singapore has confirmed 41 cases of locally-transmitted Zika virus, mostly among foreign construction workers, and says it expects more incidents to be identified.

All but seven of those infected had fully recovered, the country's health ministry and the National Environment Agency (NEA) said in a joint statement on Sunday.

The seven patients remained in hospital, the statement added. (
Titel: Re: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie
Bericht door: RAdeR op 1 september 2016, 22:29:17
Citaat van:
Key updates
Countries and territories reporting mosquito-borne Zika virus infections for the first time in the past week:
British Virgin Islands and Singapore
Countries and territories reporting microcephaly and other central nervous system (CNS) malformations potentially associated with Zika virus infection for the first time in the past week: None
Countries and territories reporting Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) cases associated with Zika virus infection for the first time in the past week: None
Operational updates from the WHO Regional Office for the Americas:
WHO provided technical advice on the detection of and response to congenital syndromes, and the care of pregnant women and newborn children in the Dominican Republic.
The 2016 Summer Paralympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 7 to 18 September. WHO continues to provide technical support to the Ministry of Health to ensure the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games are as safe as possible for all athletes, volunteers, visitors and residents.
Genetic sequencing of Zika virus isolates from four samples collected in Guinea-Bissau has preliminarily identified that these are related to the African lineage of the virus.

72 countries and territories (Fig. 1, Table 1) have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2007 (69 with reports from 2015):
55 with a first reported outbreak from 2015 onward (Fig. 2, Table 1).
4 with having possible endemic transmission or evidence of local mosquito-borne Zika infections in 2016.
13 with evidence of local mosquito-borne Zika infections in or before 2015, but without documentation of cases in 2016, or with the outbreak terminated.
Since February 2016, 11 countries have reported evidence of person-to-person transmission of Zika virus (Table 2).
20 countries or territories have reported microcephaly and other CNS malformations potentially associated with Zika virus infection or suggestive of congenital infection (Table 3). 4 of the 20 countries reported microcephalic babies born from mothers in countries with no endemic Zika virus transmission but who reported recent travel history to Zika-affected countries.
Outcomes of pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus in the United States of America:
16 total liveborn infants with birth defects
5 total pregnancy losses with birth defects
Outcomes of pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus in territories of the United States of America:
1 total liveborn infant with birth defects
1 total pregnancy loss with birth defects
18 countries and territories have reported an increased incidence of GBS and/or laboratory confirmation of a Zika virus infection among GBS cases (Table 4).
In Guinea-Bissau, the gene sequencing results of the four confirmed Zika cases sent in July have preliminarily confirmed that the cases are of the African lineage, i.e., not the predominant global outbreak Asian lineage. The investigation of five reported cases of microcephaly is ongoing.
The 2016 Summer Paralympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 7 to 18 September. WHO, particularly through the Regional Office for the Americas, continues to provide technical support to the Ministry of Health to ensure the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games are as safe as possible for all athletes, volunteers, visitors and residents.

Zika virus, Microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome
Read the full situation report (
Titel: WHO Emergency Committee has concerns about two Zika clusters in Florida, USA
Bericht door: oma op 2 september 2016, 15:28:03
Reuters Health
BREAKING: WHO Emergency Committee has concerns about two Zika clusters in Florida, says U.S. is no exception to risk of spreading
Titel: Man dies in Malaysia's first locally transmitted Zika case
Bericht door: oma op 3 september 2016, 17:43:12
Malaysia reported its first locally transmitted Zika case on Saturday, a 61-year-old man who has died of heart-related complications, the government said. (
Titel: Thailand finds 21 new cases of Zika in Bangkok
Bericht door: oma op 11 september 2016, 10:25:53
Twenty-one new cases of locally-transmitted Zika virus have been confirmed in central Bangkok, including a pregnant woman who later gave birth with no complications, Thailand's public health ministry said on Sunday. (
Titel: Zika-virus nog steeds ernstig gevaar
Bericht door: Live op 31 december 2016, 14:38:00
Zika-virus nog steeds ernstig gevaar (
Gepubliceerd op 31 dec. 2016
Begin 2016 brak in Brazilië het Zika-virus uit. Een jaar later lijkt de aandacht voor de ziekte afgenomen. Toch maken artsen zich zorgen.
Titel: Zika Virus – An emerging challenge Dr Bruce Hamilton (Video)
Bericht door: oma op 11 januari 2017, 10:22:36
Lecture title: Zika Virus – An emerging challenge
Speaker: Dr Bruce Hamilton,
Director of Performance Health, High Performance Sport NZ (